Expanding evidence-based solutions across the state
High-quality advising
We’re examining the role we can play to ensure all high school students benefit from high-quality college and career advising that helps them design the future they want.
Why advising? Advising that provides a student with consistent access to a trusted, well-trained adult leads to much higher rates of postsecondary enrollment. For example, among students whose parents had a high school diploma or less, 74% attended college within three years of high school graduation if they had met with a counselor about college in high school, compared to 49% of those who did not meet with a counselor about college.
We know from research that students from low-income families have the greatest need for high-quality advising, but often have the least access to counselors and advisors. We’re working with partners to ensure Washington state has the policies and programs to connect every student with high-quality advising.
FAFSA completion
Right now, despite having one of the most generous state financial aid programs in the country, Washington state ranks 47th in the country in FAFSA completion—the federal form that connects students to financial aid to pursue college, apprenticeships, and career training programs.
Students in Washington state who don't qualify for federal aid can also fill out the WASFA—Washington Application for State Financial Aid.
Why FAFSA/WASFA completion? Seniors who complete the FAFSA are 84% more likely to immediately enroll in postsecondary education, including apprenticeships and career certification programs. The FAFSA or WASFA is a student's only path to access federal and state financial aid, which is income-based and not grade-based.
We’re working with partners to help more students and their families understand their financial aid options and fill out the FAFSA or WASFA. There is good news for Washington families. Washington state provides the most need-based financial aid in the country.
Dual credit programs
There are a lot of programs today that help Washington state students earn college credits while still in high school, such as Running Start and College in the High School. These dual credit programs can reduce college costs while also exposing students to college and career pathways that match their skills and interests. Students who complete these programs are more likely to graduate from high school and enroll in college.
Why dual credit? High school students in Washington state who participated in a dual credit program were much more likely to enroll in a two- or four-year degree program immediately after graduating (60% vs. 30%).
Unfortunately, not all students have equitable access to these programs. While 59% of Washington's high school students currently complete a non-CTE (career and technical education) dual credit course, that drops to 56% for Black students, 43% for students from low-income backgrounds, and 32% for Indigenous students.
We’re exploring ways to ensure students have equitable access to these dual credit programs.