CCSSO Restart and Recovery guides
Our partners at the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) developed Restart and Recovery, which provides guidance for school and district plans that support strong remote and in-person academics and social emotional skills, while keeping school communities safe and healthy. They continue to closely monitor developments and adapt their response efforts.
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Local Data and Outcomes Dashboards
Drawing on statewide data analyzed in Schoolhouse Washington’s Students Experiencing Homelessness report, the Local Data and Outcomes Dashboard enables users to view student homelessness data specific to individual school districts, legislative districts, and counties.
Start with Us: Black youth in South King County & South Seattle
Conducted by CCER’s Road Map Project, Start With Us shows the need for systems to combat racial bias, promote positive school climates, encourage racial identity development, and listen more closely to students. It also includes new data on several dimensions of college readiness and post-secondary success.
Community and technical college report
This is the first report by CCER’s Road Map Project on the region’s community and technical colleges (CTCs), meant to inform educational improvement efforts by following a cohort of high school graduates on their three-year journey through seven local CTCs.
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