Sydney Holman

Associate Program Officer

Sydney Holman is an associate program officer on the Washington State team at the Gates Foundation. In this role, she leads the team on stakeholder engagement and operationalizing efforts to center students’ deep knowledge and expertise in the Washington State work.  

Before taking her current role, Sydney worked for the Seattle Public School district as a family engagement manager, then opened her own consultancy providing schools with professional development on family engagement-centered co-design practices. She began her early career at the Gates Foundation and is excited to be back! 

Sydney completed her bachelor’s in English literature and writing from Bethel University, and a master’s in education policy & management from Harvard University.  

Sydney sits on the board of Spotlight, a nonprofit based in Lima, Perú, that provides youth ages 12-22 with English language and 21st century skills through the performing arts to access postsecondary academic and economic pathways.  

She is the proud mother of two Seattle Public School students, and in her free time can be found listening to Taylor Swift songs against her will or grabbing dim sum in Seattle’s CID.